How to repair the broken ridge of bridge box girder bottom plate, beam
bottom, pier and anti-collision pier, and how to repair the exposed
building reinforcement
1 concrete honeycomb, pitted surface, crack, peeling, sanding, pit,
reinforcement leakage and repair. Repair the missing reinforcement and
peeling of the bridge.
2 混凝土加固,改造修复,混凝土路面罩面/3 桥面板的微细裂缝 网状裂缝 面层找平修复
2. Concrete reinforcement, reconstruction and repair, and leveling and
repair of micro crack network crack surface of concrete pavement overlay
/ 3 bridge deck
4 桥墩 侧梁补色 罩面修补 加固等/5 桥梁 混凝土 失火后期修复 耐久性修复等情况
4. Repair and reinforcement of pier side beam with complementary color
cover / 5 repair and durability repair of bridge concrete in the later
stage of fire
6 桥梁 桥面板 桥墩的漏振 露筋 麻面 孔洞 沙眼情况/7 楼板加固补强修补/8 混凝土破损修补 结构耐久性修复/9 混凝土预制件路面伸缩缝掉角锈钢铸件 螺杆式启闭机 保定搬家 电缆挂钩 冲压机 防撞护栏模具 破损 补强等修复 10.新老混凝土连接:用于施工缝,梁柱加固,旧基础改造等。/11.混凝土修补及表面保护:可用于混凝土和钢筋的表面保护,防止劣化和腐蚀。
6. Missing vibration, exposed reinforcement, pockmarked hole and
trachoma of bridge deck pier / 7 floor reinforcement and repair / 8
concrete damage repair, structural durability repair / 9 repair of angle
loss and damage of concrete precast pavement expansion joint 10. New
and old concrete connection: used for construction joint, beam column
reinforcement, old foundation reconstruction, etc/ 11. Concrete repair
and surface protection: it can be used for surface protection of
concrete and reinforcement to prevent deterioration and corrosion.